Monday, April 23, 2012

Whaling Industry

Many see the whaling industry as something of the past. However, it is very much a present issue. Although not all countries partake in this act the innocent counties have an obligation to take a stand against them. Some of the small countries don't have enough support on their own to make a difference. Whaling has been outlawed in certain areas for years now but there are some places, in the Antarctic particularly where the whale populations have taken a big hit from all the whaling in that area. According to an article on Greenpeace International's website, some of the whale populations still haven't recovered. The blue whales are at less than one percent than their original population and one population, the East Pacific Grey whales, has recovered to their original capacity. However, others, like the West Pacific grey whale, are bordering on extinction. That particular group has just over one hundred of their kind left today. Today the Humpback whale population is approximately 20,000, but in the 19th century the IWC estimated the population should be at 100,000 today. That means that the whales are at eighty percent less capacity than they could have been at that time, and even then that was after whaling took its toll in the species. There are petitions any one can go on line and sign today to help end whaling completely around the world. This takes no toll on yourself and is simply a huge favor to a magnificent creature. It would be a tragedy to only be able to describe these beautiful creatures to todays generation's grandchildren.

Photo by: LonelyBob

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